
Dai’s Driving Academy 4,

Sunday September 20th was Dai’s Driving Academy 4 at Irvine, El Toro Air Field. weather was nice and clear. little wind and hot as hell lol out in the field with no shade is torture without sunscreen. this time, i almost got ran over… lol thanks Jin-san… hahaha o yea btw, you can now order prints. leave a comment with your email address and i will contact you back 🙂

9月20日の日曜日はDai’s Driving Academy 4でしたぁ。場所はアーバイン市内のエルトロ・エアーフィールド。元米軍基地です。天気は晴れで良好。風がほんの少しあって地獄のような暑さ(笑。影も無い中炎天下での撮影はまさに地獄。日焼け止め塗ってなければほぼ拷問w。今回は、ひかれそうになりました…笑。ジンさん、ありがとう…ww。今回から、写真のプリントサービスを始めました。コメントにメールアドレスを連載して頂ければこちらから連絡します 🙂

started my driving academy a little early on the 405 freeway lol


and here at the venue now. peeps setting up for the track.


and here the driver’s meeting start. alot more people then we expected.



Signal Auto, Suspension Install

was at Signal the other day to have them install my suspension. yea, got them used 🙂 was gonna do them my self, though too lazy lol so, went to Signal.

この間はシグナルオートでサスの取り付けをしてもらいましたぁ。そうなの、中古をゲット 🙂 自分でやろ思ったけど、メンドくさかったので(笑。ってなわけでシグナルさんへ。

decided to take my camera with me to kill time.



Bride on a BRIDE

yes, Mike’s bride Kelli is sitting on the BRIDE ZETA III on Mike’s time attack 350Z 🙂 this was for his engagement photoshoot by AltF.com Photography. such an honor for us to be a part of this kind of photo. good this we have our logo on the head rest!! hahaha i jacked some photos from his myspace to share. Mike said ok, so here it is.

そう。英語で嫁はBride。ウチのシートはBRIDE(ブリッド)。嫁がBRIDEに座ってるぅ~。これはマイクのタイムアッタク号Z33。写真撮影はAltF.com Photographyさんがやったそうです。いや、嬉しい事だよね、こういった記念物の写真にウチの商品が一緒に載るのって。ヘッドレストのとこにロゴがあって良かった!!笑。マイクのマイスペースからパクって来たよ写真を。ブログに載せてもイイって聞いたらOKもらったんで、載せます。

Crongratulation Mike and Kelli!!! 🙂

マイクとケリー、おめでとう!! 🙂


havent blogged about car stuffs lately… mostly oobies.. lol


so, today is AEROMOTIONS 🙂 buddy over in Nevada, Darin has this product. what is it? it is the 3D type rear wing that controls the aerodynamics with a brain. brain meaning, their ADAPT (AeroMotions Dynamic Aero Processor Technology/patent pending) monitors the vehicle’s acceleration, deceleration, speed, and lateralG and provides the best downforce. i think its better for you to see then read. i found Darin’s Budez GT-R on Youtube with the AeroMotion S2 type on track.

ってなわけで、今回はエアロモーション 🙂 ネバダに住む友達のデーレンが持ってるんだよねぇ。何これって?3次元タイプのGTウィングですね。しかも空力特性を上手い事読む脳ミソ付き。エアロモーション独自のADAPT(エアロモーション・ダイナミック・エアロ・プロセッサー・テクノロジー/特許出願中)が、加速・減速・速度・横Gを読み込んで、最適な空力を作り出します。的な。百聞は一見にしかず。デーレンのBudez号を発見したので見てみてぇ。使用しているのはAeroMotionタイプS2。

the retail is starting from $3999 USD an up. i believe its worth much more then buying some random body kit that is useless and not providing enough downforce to keep the traction and not being stable during the cornering G. no need for show cars though… lol if they aint gonna run the track, they dont need this type of treasury.


here a shot of Darin’s Budez GT-R 🙂

下はデーレンのBudez GT-R号 🙂




Wilwood Brake Kit

our customer in Japan sent me a pic of their S30Z with the Wilwood brake kit.


they like the kit. no crack, the caliper is stayed closed… 🙂

スゴいお気に入りのようです。クラックも無く、キャリパーも開いてないし… 🙂

Z34, 370Z

my friend Mike (owner of Double Down Motorsports.com) came all the way from Nevada today 🙂 well, not today but this week. congrats on your 370Z!! so, heres some of the pic of probably the fastest one around here (with an intake and a high-flow cat) 370Z 🙂

今日はネバダの友達、マイク(Double Down Motorsports.comのオーナーさん)が遊びに来ましたぁ。遠路はるばるアリガトウ!!っつっても来たのは月曜日かなんかで仕事の関係でこっちに来たわけで。あ、マイク、新車オメデトウ!!ってなわけで、この近辺では一番早いであろう(インテークと触媒交換済)Z34の写真 🙂
















btw, below is his 350Z.


Redline Time Attack from last year. think it was July.


thanks for dropping by Mike!!


check out his brand new store!! linked it below 🙂

彼のウェブショップをチェケラッチョしてみて!!下にリンクあるので 🙂





today was the R&D day for the new BRIDE seat. the ZETA III Type XL. finally a US big size came out from BRIDE. the big people couldnt fit in the regular ZETA III… i thought they were gonna snap off the bolsters when they tried sitting. the sizing, i think a size 42 inch will be nice and snug fit 🙂 by the way, this model is US limited. to place this seat’s position low as possible, another rail application has been added. Type XL seat rail. yea… lol hahaha

今日はBRIDEの新商品のR&Dの日でした。ZETA IIIのタイプXLです。やっとUSサイズが出ましたぁ。今までのモデルじゃアメリカ人とかのデカい人が入らなかったからね。横のボルスターなんかブチ壊すんじゃねぇーかと思ってたよ。サイズ的には、多分42インチのウェストサイズまでならイケるんじゃないかなぁ??そこら辺でイイ具合にフィットしてると思うんよね。あ、ちなみにこのXL、US限定ですので。シートポジションを低くするために、専用のレールも開発。タイプXLレールですw。

and here’s some of the pics.


the Type XL rail. looks like a FG but its slightly different.


you know, everytime i do the installation of some one’s seat, i find a lot of coins… lol


57 cents.

and here it goes. just testing to see if the rail fits or not. sorry, the car is dirty… 😦

さてさて。シートレールの仮止めッス。ゴメンね、車汚くて… 😦

and fits in perfectly 🙂

取り付けも完璧やろ 🙂

yea its a XL, barely clearing the doors.


from the top. the driver side, left shoulder bolster.


wish there was a little more space between the seat and the center… i could barely reach the slider lever… hahaha well, its a XL. you should adjust the seat belts for better accessibility.


took it out for a test drive after the installation. no problem at all. perfectly mounted, by ME!! hahaha seat position is now lower and i have extra space for my helmet 🙂 sucks to be tall huh? well, tall mans gets more attention from the chicks so its all good!! the down point is, we cant really fit in the LOTUS ELISE and EXIGE. i would have bought it if the car fits me. but no, fail big time.

取付け終わったし、テストドライブへ。問題無ぁーい。完璧な取付け、俺の力!!ww。これでシートポジションも下がったからヘルメットも被れるぅー 🙂 背高いと不便だよね。でもまぁ、チャンネーの目は釘付けだけどね!!w。でもやっぱ不便って思う事たくさん。ロータスに乗れないよねエリーゼもエキシージも。買おうと思ってたけども、ちょっとキツいんで、却下。


My Ash Tray Stand

yes, my ash tray stand. whats so special about it? we welded. welded what? used car parts lol a used KYB suspension for the S13, two brake hubs from Nissan Laurel (import yo lol), and the 2nd gear of genuine S13 transmission… hahahha we had chairs made too with the brake disk, some suspension, connecting-rods etc.. but was too heavy and we trashed it. haha, but this ash tray, its not bad at all. the height is about the arm rest of a regular couch. and this thing is pretty stable. plus, you can place your cigarettes packs, lighters, even a drink around it for you to chill in my room 🙂

そうです。タバコの灰皿スタンド。何がそんなに特別かって?溶接で作ってあるんです。何を溶接したの?車の中古パーツww。KYBの中古サスS13用に、ローレル(USには無いので輸入モノw)二個と、S13の純正3速…ww。他にもイスとかも作ったんだけどねブレーキディスクとかサスとコンロッドとかで…ただ、重かったから持って帰れず、捨てました(笑。ただこの灰皿は中々のお勧め商品。高さは、ソファーの肘掛と同じぐらい。そしてかなりバランスが良い。倒れないね。それに、周りにタバコのパックとライター、更には飲み物まで置けるって言うね。これで俺の部屋ではかなりリラックス出来るはず 🙂

all i need to do is, clean this and probably color it.


CARBOY Feb. Issue

the BRIDE mobile is on the cover of CARBOY Feb. issue 🙂

カーボーイ2月号の表紙にBRIDE号が載ってますぇ 🙂

this is Hirano-san’s car in Japan which competes in MSC Challenge and i think the D1 Street Legal.


Saturday Drive

yea i know.. its already Tuesday… i just hate uploading my blog on the weekend… i got better stuff to do than staying online on the weekends mang!!!! hahahaha 😛 and i cant really uploaded from my phone either.. iPhone time? lol

まぁ、もう火曜日なんだけどね…週末ってあんまブログアップしなぃかも… ブログなんか書いて家に居るよりかは週末は外に出て遊んでる方が楽しいんだよチクショウ!!!ww。携帯からのアップ出来ないし俺w。そろそろiPhoneか?w

had extra time and since the weather was nice and clear, was a bit cold but, went out for a random drive with muh Zeee weee. where to? didnt want to drive that far by myself.. thats… lonely lol haha so i went up to Palos Verdes just for a cigarette. dude, dont call me a loner. me had extra time 🙂 lol

ちょっと時間に余裕があり、天気も良かったので、ってもちょい寒かったけども、適当にドライブに行って来ましたウチのジェットモンガロンこと、Z33ちゃんと。何処へ行く?一人でそんなに遠くには行きたくなかった…寂しいじゃん(笑)ってなわけでパロス・バーデス、通称パロ山(なんだこの呼び方…)へタバコでも吸いに行く事に。暗い子って言わないで。ただ時間に余裕があっただけなの :) ww

gotta get some gas before i go. dude, the gas price wen up again…


from the Chevron on Western and Artesia.


driving up on Crenshaw to Palos Verdes.


cigarette breakette.


ahh the sun’s setting. wish a hot chick was next to me, not by my self.


whats the lens that has more flare and ghost? i kinda wanted a little more…


National Geographic style hahaha


ok, back to home.


traffic on Torrance Blvd with the train running.


ZELE 370Z, Corolla Super GT

got some flicks from Tokyo Auto Salon 2009. thanks to Eiji-san from Tomei USA 🙂

東京オートサロン2009の写真を東名のエイジさんから頂きましたぁ 🙂

370Z is not my date… hmmm made be for a one-night-stand?



Corol0la Super GT? GT300 class? gotta keep my eyes on it!!


Vroom Vroom

yes, i got the vroom vroom now for my Z. we had the ZEES exhaust laying around in the warhouse for a while and we decided to put that thing in my car. first off, i didnt even understand the meaning of “relocating” te evap canister. once done, it was more like “bending” instead of relocating. thanks to Aerodyne Industry for the help 🙂 i thought i had to extend the lines and everything. but it was easy. since i did not have the hanger puller, ended up yanking the hanger out from the bushing with my foot on the LSD case lol just need a heat shield or a heat bandage to cover some portions, which i have not finished… lol how does the ZEES exhaust sound? it has a deeper note in it, but does not spoil the melody of the VQ35HR. the end is pretty huge with a titanium finish on the tip. now gotta work on some more stuffs to tune the note to the FERRARI note. hahahha

最近ウチのZ子ちゃんにブォンブォンを付けました。モノはZEESさんのです。会社に転がってて、「付けっか」と言う話しになり、装着。もう一年近く倉庫に転がってたんで。US仕様は日本使用と違って右後ろのタイコが来る所になんかフューエルラインとかが来てるとこがあります。色々と聞き回ってて、皆が皆「移動」させる言うてました。てっきりラインとか延長して別に移すのかと思ったら、アルミ版曲げるだけだったw。有難うございますエアロダイン様 🙂 助かりました。後は熱処理をどぅにかするけッスね。まぁ、遮熱版作ってやるか、耐熱テープ巻けば問題なさそうです。タイコもギリで干渉はしてないし。簡単に付いたッスよ。何が大変だったって、ハンガー外しが無かったからデフケースに足置いてブチ抜いてやりましたよ(笑。音はどうかって?音に深みが出ましたね。でもVQの良いところは残してあるって具合です。出口が思ったよりもデカかった。ちなみにテールエンドはチタン処理。さて、お次はどうやってフェラーリな音に近づけるかッスえね。フフフ。

o, gotta wash my car.
